Azt hiszem, Holly-hoz kepest nem kell aggodnom a hazeteres miatt. Irt nehany korlevelet, miutan visszatert a Trinity-rol Hong Kongba; a legutobbi szerint meglehetos kultursokkban van resze. Nagyon erdekes, mekkora erofeszitesbe telhet neki, hogy kommunikalni tudjon a csaladjaval, mert naluk a puszta sugalmazas a minta, nem az egyertelmu beszed. Akkor mar inkabb a csend?
The transaction of life from the U.S. to Hong Kong is really significant. In the U.S. most of the time, you mind your own business and make your own decision. If people want to give you advice or consult your opinion, they ask you directly or rather directly. Here, people don’t speak that way. They suggest things and you better figure it out. This is especially true among seniors. And also, in the U.S., I was with peers most of the time. Every single idea is counted rather equal. You give and take ideas according to their internal value or logic. Here, I live with a family of three generations. So, who is speaking rather than what is spoken is more important. My response is also depended on whom I am speaking to. Another thing is, my family and even my relatives are not very literate. Besides switching from English to Cantonese, I have to change the language and terminology to communicate with them. It is quite challenging to go back and forth. In short, I have a culture shock here.
szinamondta 6/04/2004 11:26:00 PM
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lehet, hogy valami eszedbe jut. akkor
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ez mind rég volt
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