
well i hope you had a better day at work and at the workshop.  when you come to japan we can eat green tea, red bean, and purple potato ice cream!  i think about you coming every day - like, i'll take you around the neighborhood and show you how to do things and where things are.  even buying a train ticket can be kind of confusing.  but i have been noticing there are a lot of yogurts at the supermarket (or supaa, as they call it here)

En is gondolok Japanra. De kicsit megremiszt az, hogy mennyire mas, es en mennyire nem tartozom oda. Den pl azt mondta, a vonaton nem ulnek le melle, mert feher. Na ez milyen, es en meg csak a nyelvet sem beszelem. Emellett pedig eppen hogy csak hazaerek Europaba, es maris aszondom, nyomas (o.k, ket honap otthon azert nem keves, de talan hamarosan jo lenne letelepedni).

szinamondta 8/25/2004 05:44:00 AM


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